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Investor Relations & the
Initial Public Offering

The Investor Relations training program
behind the world’s largest 2 trillion US$ IPO

One-to-One coaching included

16 videos for a total duration of 2 hours at your own pace, in the comfort of your home or office.

From the pre-IPO to the aftermarket

The course provides a step-by-step roadmap for a successful IPO and beyond.

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Life as a listed company

Learn how develop the equity story that will support your company’s image, reputation and ultimately, valuation.

The quality of Investor Relations can make or break the success of an Initial Public Offering

IPO candidates are often poorly prepared to thrive as listed companies:

  • Their financial reporting is not robust enough
  • They don’t understand the disclosure rules
  • They lack communications skills.

Going public is not for the timid.

  • You will be under constant scrutiny from a much wider audience than when you were private. And it is not always going to be fun.
  • Finding the right balance between the financial markets’ short-term expectations and your company’s long-term goals will be an uphill battle.
  • You could be so obsessed with your company’s valuation that you could make costly strategic errors and communication mistakes.
  • Maintaining investors’ appetite for your shares is going to require a lot more than good results and Public Relations.
  • All the costs associated with getting public make your head spin and you wonder if you are ever going to be able to recoup those.
  • What you are actually most afraid of is that the listing will harm your business because your competitors will know everything you had tried so hard to keep secret about your company.

Well, What If…

We have consolidated decades of experience into this expert-led course. You will get highly actionable Investor Relations tactics and strategies. Bonus course: one hour of 1:1 follow-up coaching. At no additional cost.

How you interact with existing shareholders and potential investors can make or break your reputation on the capital markets. How’s that? Because it is one of the most significant drivers of your valuation.

Whether the starting point is an IPO, a reputation-threatening crisis, a profit warning or simply guiding a company through the complex and dynamic life as a listed company, at FINEO Investor Relations Advisors we make sure our clients get a top seat at the investors’ table.

FINEO Investor Relations Advisors

FINEO Investor Relations Advisors helps boards and leadership teams articulate shareholder value, inspire investor confidence and win the competition for capital.

Our track record: delivering measurable outcomes for than 1,500 companies in over 50 countries.

You too can get the same IR training that contributed to the world’s largest 2 trillion USD Initial Public Offering and attract the investors you need to grow your business.


The IR training
behind the world's
biggest IPO ever

This course offers a comprehensive and practical step-by-step roadmap to ensure a successful Initial Public Offering.

You will gain the agility and insight needed to develop a compelling equity story that will live well beyond the first day you become a listed company. Through customized processes, your company will be speaking “with one voice”, presenting a united front to all stakeholder groups, which will ultimately support your company’s reputation and valuation.

The course also ensures you understand how to minimize the risks of inconsistencies across your communications, of involuntary disclosure of price-sensitive information and of poor execution of your IR strategy. You will get the method to adopt the de-siloed approach to Investor Relations that will generate efficiencies through resource-sharing and cross-pollination of talent across your company.


Hours of On-Demand Video


Minutes of Follow-up 1:1 Coaching

Course Curriculum

Lesson 00: Introduction(6 :24)
Lesson 01: The benefits of Investor Relations (5:25)
Lesson 02:Key Investor Relations Challenges & Opportunities(13:36)
Lesson 03:Getting Ready for the Initial Public Offering(23:51)
Lesson 04: Crafting Key Messages(5:42)
Lesson 05: Defining your Guidance Policy(1 2:35)
Lesson 06: Developing your Investor Relations Toolkit(17:48)
Lesson 07: Building your Investor Relations Infrastructure(6:39)
Lesson 08: Managing IPO Logistics and Roadshows(6:00)
Lesson 09: Consolidating IPO Results(3:44)
Lesson 10:Building your Financial Calendar(3:08)
Lesson 11:Measuring Investor Relations performance(14:12)
Lesson 12: Feeding IPO Results back into Investor Relations Strategy(4:39)
Lesson 13: Bookin our Session Online 0:38
Lesson 15: The Investor Relations Manual(0:49)
Lesson 16:The ABC of Investor Relations: an online course(0:56)
Lesson 17: If You Are Considering an IPO..(2:07)

Frequently Asked Questions

There is no prerequisite for this course…. Other than your eagerness to learn! If you are not familiar with the listed company environment or capital markets or don’t have a basic understanding of finance, you may find that some concepts need clarification. Remember that you are entitled to one hour of follow-up one-on-one coaching with us. List your questions ahead and we will do our best to answer them.

You can always purchase additional 1:1 coaching sessions beyond the first hour which is included in the course fee. We will be happy to discuss your coaching requirements and come up with a suitable plan for you.

We would be really sorry if that were the case. This is why we strongly recommend that you contact us with questions prior to purchase, as our courses are non-refundable.

The course is yours and yours only. You should know that we have measures in place to deactivate or temporarily freeze an account should it be signed on multiple computers at a time. If this does occur, we have the right to cancel membership on a case-by-case basis. Please respect this policy to avoid account suspension.

Also, kindly note that all our course are copyright covered and may not be reproduced in any form, in Part or Whole, or placed in a retrieval system without written permission of FINEO Investor Relations Advisors.

We would however, love for you to link back to our content. All you have to do is ask.

You will be able to pay for your course with most major credit cards in most currencies. Contact us on if you encounter any difficulty.

The course is offered through Teachable offers a free iOS App where you can access the online course on the go. Click here to find out more on how to use the free Teachable iOS app as a student of a Teachable school.

Please send your questions to We will respond as quickly as we can. Please allow up to 48 business hours for a reply.

This Is Perfect For You If…

With the course, you will be able to identify and leverage the untapped value behind your financial and extra-financial reporting.

If you are new to Investor Relations, the course will ensure that you are equipped to understand the rules governing price-sensitive disclosure and utilize shareholder value-enhancing strategies, metrics and messaging

Our strategic framework bridges the gap between what investors want to hear and how your company communicates it.

It’s Finally Time!

To Feel

In Charge

You will finally understand how good Investor Relations can create value.

To Achieve

IPO Success

Poor Investor Relations can ruin your presence on global capital markets, thus posing a threat to your ability to attract and retain the investors you need for your business. This course will equip you with the skills and knowledge to make sure it does not happen.

To generate

Positive Return On Investment

Whatever you hope to gain from this course, be it a successful I.P.O., a cost-effective Investor Relations infrastructure or a diversified shareholder base of long-term investors, the return will far outweigh your initial investment in this course.


Investor Relations and the Initial Public Offering

A step-by-step guide to ensure a successful IPO and beyond

The quality of Investor Relations can make or break an Initial Public Offering. Do you want to put all the chances on your side and achieve a successful IPO? Of course, you do! This course, which contributed to the success of the world’s largest $2 trillion IPO, is going to help you do just that!  We put decades of experience into 16 videos (total duration: 2 hours) and offer a one-to-one follow-up coaching session in the course fee.